Used Cars For Sale in Wilmington, NC
- Stock Type
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- Crossover (1)
- Crossover AWD (2)
- Double Cab 4X4 (2)
- Hatchback (1)
- Other (4)
- Sedan (1)
- SUV (3)
- SUV AWD (2)
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3 vehicles found using these filters Clear All Filters
D and E Price
- Retail $26,250
- D and E Trusted Discount (Used) $1,350
- VIN: JA4J4UA8XNZ063530
- Engine: 4 Cylinder
- Transmission: CVT
- Color: Labrador Black Pearl
- Int. Color: Black
- HWY: 30 MPG | CITY: 24 MPG
- Mileage: 23644
- Dealer: D and E Mitsubishi
- Stock #: 39112N
- Body: SUV
D and E Price
- Retail $26,800
- D and E Trusted Discount (Used) $1,850
- VIN: JA4J3VA86NZ027049
- Engine: 4 Cylinder
- Transmission: CVT
- Color: Alloy Silver Metallic
- Int. Color: Light Gray
- HWY: 31 MPG | CITY: 24 MPG
- Mileage: 49775
- Dealer: D and E Mitsubishi
- Stock #: 38242N
- Body: SUV
This vehicle has automated speed control that adjusts to maintain a safe fo ... [Read More]
D and E Price
- Retail $30,300
- D and E Trusted Discount (Used) $1,400
- VIN: JA4J3VA88PZ042767
- Engine: 4 Cylinder
- Transmission: CVT
- Color: Deep Bronze Metallic
- Int. Color: Light Gray
- HWY: 31 MPG | CITY: 24 MPG
- Mileage: 5719
- Dealer: D and E Mitsubishi
- Stock #: 39101N
- Body: SUV
The leather seats in this unit are a must for buyers looking for comfort, d ... [Read More]
This 1/2 ton suv has auto-adjust speed for safe following. This vehicle is ... [Read More]